Dan - Front of House and Muay Thai Trainer

What initially drew you to Muay Thai? I love the challenge of it theres no better feeling than starting to learn something initially being bad at it and progressing to the point where you can pull it off with ease in sparring.
What's your favorite aspect of training Muay Thai? The personal improvement aspect I love that an exercise exists where I can push my body to keep myself fit and also learn a skill at the same time and every week I see an improvement.
How has Muay Thai impacted your life outside the gym? I walk around with a much greater sense of inner peace than I did before I started Muay Thai.

What's your favorite thing about working at JAI? I get to see and help people achieve there goals everyday. Its very gratifying seeing someone on there first day perhaps a bit nervous and unsure then bloom into a better version of themselves. And to be able to help them on that journey is incredible.
What do you think makes JAI different from other gyms? I think we're a much more inviting culture than many other gyms. If you are a bit uncoordinated or not in a body shape you would like to be Jai will only be supportive of you. I havent been to another gym that's as beginner friendly as Jai.
How do you ensure students feel welcome and comfortable when they walk into JAI for the first time? I start with a smile and I try to build the start of a relationship with the new student. Because often new students will be a bit nervous and unsure and might feel they're a bit over their heads. Ill talk to them about that, because that very day we will have had people who felt exactly the same and might even be their training partners and its normal for us to train people of that level.
What's one piece of advice you would give to students who are feeling nervous or intimidated to start training? No one has ever regretted training after the class has ended. So push yourself out of your comfort zone and trust the process that these feeling will go away soon.
What are some ways you help students achieve their fitness goals at JAI? I try to understand what their goals are first and I build a relationship with our students so when I see them I can ask them how their progress is and give advice on a particular path if they're not sure how to reach it.

If you could have a legendary Muay Thai fighter train at JAI, who would it be and why? Lerdsila I love his approach to training and fighting. He's so creative when he fights he says its like he's playing a game always coming up with new things ways to trick his opponent. I love that free thinking free flowing style. He really is an artist out there.


We teach Muay Thai to everyone


Kru Phet - Muay Thai and Muay Boran Trainer


Su-Lin - Founder